Educator Workforce

These bills relate to educator pay, teacher preparation, and licensure.  

HF 255Teacher Intern Program & Alternative Licensure: This bill establishes the requirements for attaining a teacher intern license and a license through an alternative program.    

To obtain a teacher intern license, candidates must:    

  • Have a bachelor’s degree that meets requirements of an endorsement area  

  • Have an offer of employment from a school district 

  • Complete pedagogy training 

  • Work under the supervision of a teacher leader 

To obtain a license from an alternative program, the requirements are:    

  • Have a bachelor’s degree 

  • 60 hours in a classroom, 30 of which are teaching under the supervision of a licensed teacher 

  • Complete an alternative teacher certification program approved by the State Board of Education 

The alternative program must include: 

  • Content area training 

  • Instruction and an assessment on: Pedagogy training, classroom management and organization, instructional design, and professional learning  

  • Administration of the Foundations of Reading assessment from Massachusetts 

Programs are approved for seven years by the State Board of Education, unless they decide a shorter term is necessary. The programs will submit a report to the state including information on students participating, students who completed the program, student retention, and licensing and employment in Iowa. 

Students who complete an alternative teaching program will not be allowed to teach special education until they complete a practicum.  

The extra requirements of alternative programs added to the bill caused IASB to switch our registration to undecided. We are supportive of a more robust teacher intern program, and we like the addition of required time in the classroom before receiving a license through an alternative program. The bill passed the Senate by a vote of 33-14 and passed the House by a vote of 56-38. Governor Reynolds signed the bill into law on May 17, 2024. 

SF 2411Work-Based Learning Programs: This bill proposed by the governor allows for work-based learning to be provided when school isn’t in session, including over the summer. A division to change student teaching requirements will allow between 1-10 weeks of experience as a paraeducator or substitute teacher to count toward the required 14 weeks of student teaching experience. The student must be in a classroom at the grade level in which they are earning an endorsement and must be responsible for planning and instruction in the classroom.  

IASB is registered for the bill. We support work-based learning programs and the change in student teaching requirements for those with prior work experience. The bill passed the Senate by a vote of 33-13 and passed the House by a vote of 72-21. Governor Reynolds signed the bill into law on May 16, 2024. 


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