There are just two short weeks before the first legislative funnel deadline. A bill (excluding budget and tax bills) must pass a committee in one chamber to remain alive for consideration. Nearly every idea gets a subcommittee, but most do not make it to the full committee process. The governor and/or the DE have several bills that remain alive including:
Limitations on cell phone use during instructional time. This bill has passed the Senate Education Committee (with a minor adjustment on the timeframe for implementation, but the House version was pulled from full committee consideration).
Technical corrections to the TSS/salary increase bill from last year. This bill is one of the most non-controversial bills on the education agenda and will face an easy path out of both the House and Senate Education Committees.
Charter school bills. The department has proposed two bills. One would allow anyone outside of the state of Iowa to serve on a charter school board and the other would send TSS dollars with the student who open enrolls into a charter school. Neither bill has been introduced in the Senate (thank you Senator Evans) and both bills were on, but pulled, from the House Education Committee agenda.
Continuum of care. The governor’s centerpiece legislation that would provide grants to districts to work with childcare facilities to develop childcare options on school grounds is moving. In the House, the bill is before the House Health and Human Services Committee while the Senate bill is in Education. IASB continues to work with our preschool cheerleaders in both chambers to start us down the path for full funding for all day preschools.
Stay engaged with your legislators. Let them know how bills they are considering impact your district. You are in the best position to demonstrate how bills will positively or negatively impact your students, teachers and district.
Contact your legislators and continue to push them to make fixes and improvements to the chronic absenteeism law that was passed last year. There is one bill, SF 277, with a good start, but remind them of positive changes that would ensure the intent of the legislation is accomplished without as much administrative burden. These changes could include:
Removing the requirement to send notice by certified mail.
Ensuring the exemptions for truancy also apply to chronic absenteeism, so districts aren’t having to do as many school engagement meetings.
Provide guidance to county attorneys so enforcement is consistent.
Share the concerns you’ve received from parents in your districts because legislators have been receiving many of the same complaints and want to fix it.
HF 522—Using Therapeutic Classroom Funds for Nutritional Items: This bill would require therapeutic classroom funds to be used for assessing the nutritional needs of students, providing certain foods and restricting other foods and additives, and increasing student access to natural light. An amendment by the committee changes the “shall” to a “may,” so districts would not have to spend the funds on those items.
IASB is registered opposed to the bill because the limited funds that are available through the therapeutic classroom grants should be used for proven educational purposes to ensure the students can return to their normal classroom as soon as possible. We do appreciate the amendment to make this optional rather than required. The bill passed the House Education Committee.
HF 515—Operational Sharing for School Resource Officers: This bill would add school resource officers (SROs) as a position that can be shared and receive a supplementary weighting of five pupils.
IASB is registered to support the bill because it would expand the number of districts who could employ an SRO with the availability of incentives for sharing the position. The bill passed the House Education Committee.
HSB 157—Dropout Prevention Equity: This bill would allow districts that are capped below the 5% amount for dropout prevention funds to increase their percentage over time. Districts would be required to hold an election that would allow them to increase their dropout prevention by .25% each year, up to the 5% maximum.
IASB is registered in support of the bill. While this would not be our ideal solution to achieving equity in dropout prevention funds, it is a mechanism that does allow districts to increase their spending on dropout prevention. The bill passed the House Education Committee.
HF 514—Robotics Organizations: This bill requires the Department of Education to provide resources to school districts to ensure their robotics clubs and organizations meet federal standards. This will allow those clubs to receive federal money to support their organization.
IASB is registered in support of the bill because it offers federal funding and opportunities for students interested in robotics. The bill passed the House Education Committee.
HF 520—Civics Instruction: This bill requires students to take one unit of U.S. government, increasing it from the current one-half unit requirement. It also requires instruction on civics to be included in that unit. This would begin in the 2026-27 school year.
IASB is registered undecided on the bill. While we have some concerns about increasing the credit requirements, this bill is better than other bills about civics instruction and has a workable implementation timeline. The bill passed the House Education Committee.
HF 521—Obscenity Exemptions Repeal: This bill removes the exemption for obscene material that may be used for educational purposes in a school.
IASB is registered undecided on the bill. We think the requirements for schools established in prior legislation, SF 496, covered this issue, so removing the exemption will not further limit what schools can provide to students. The bill passed the House Education Committee.
HF 471—Concussion Providers: This bill adds that someone who holds a doctorate in psychology with specialty training in neuropsychology or concussion management as a licensed health care provider can administer care when concussion protocol is required.
IASB is registered undecided on the bill, but we welcome any qualified providers to assist districts with concussion protocol. The bill passed the House Health and Human Services Committee.
HF 517—Vacant School Building Demolition Grant Program: This bill would establish a fund to be used for demolition of vacant school buildings in towns with a population of less than 2,500.
IASB is registered in support of the bill. It is often more expensive to tear down a building than what the building is worth, so this helps smaller districts with that cost. The bill passed the House Economic Growth and Technology Committee and has been referred to the Appropriations Committee.
HF 392—Allowing Year-Round School Calendars: This bill would allow school districts to apply to the Department of Education for a waiver allowing a year-round school calendar through 12th grade. Currently, year-round calendars are limited to preschool through 8th grade.
IASB is registered in support of the bill because it allows local control and flexibility when setting the school calendar. The bill passed the House by a vote of 91-1.
SF 64—Budget Guarantee for Districts Impacted by Natural Disaster: This bill would allow districts to remain on the budget guarantee for an additional year if they are in a declared natural disaster area.
IASB is registered in support of the bill. We know districts that experience a natural disaster often have enrollment loss, and this will help mitigate those losses by providing continued funding. The bill passed the Senate Education Committee and has been referred to the Ways and Means Committee.
SF 368—Mandatory Seizure Disorder Training: This bill would require training for school personnel related to seizure disorders. At least one person in every school building, starting July 1, 2025, would be required to administer medication to a student experiencing a seizure. A school nurse would meet this requirement. All school personnel, by December 31, 2026, would be required to receive training on how to recognize the signs and symptoms of seizure and steps for seizure first aid.
An amendment by the committee added the creation of a workgroup made up of people from both education and healthcare that would establish a schedule of mandatory training for school personnel. Additionally, any time there is a training someone wants added, the group will consider if it is necessary and how it would be added to the schedule of existing trainings.
IASB has been registered opposed to the bill because it increases the number of mandatory trainings for teachers; however, the amendment is a good compromise and something we have been pushing for several years. Now that the workgroup is added to the bill, we are in favor. The bill passed the Senate Education Committee.
SF 369—Civics Test as a Graduation Requirement: This bill would require students to obtain a 60% score on a test that uses questions from the U.S. citizenship test to graduate or earn a GED. Students could take the test as many times as needed to earn a passing score. An amendment by the committee instructs the Department of Education to distribute a 100-question test for school districts to use.
IASB is registered against the bill because it imposes a graduation requirement and requires districts to use a specific test. While we support the goal of civics education, local school districts should be able to choose how they want to assess students. The bill passed the Senate Education Committee.
SF 370—Cell Phone Policies: This bill is the governor’s proposal to require all school districts to implement a policy to restrict cell phone use during instructional time. The bill would require policies to include:
Devices that would be available to use for instructional purposes.
How parents can communicate with students during the school day.
How parents can communicate with students during an emergency.
Protocols the school will follow to securely store a student’s device.
Discipline that will be used if a student uses their device during classroom instruction or an assessment.
A process for a parent to petition for student to have access to their device during the day if it is for a legitimate reason related to the student’s physical or mental health.
Accommodations for students with an individualized education program (IEP) or 504 plan.
Additionally, the bill requires instruction on the effects of social media in grades 6-8. The Department of Education will give guidance on the cell phone policy and how school districts must update their emergency operations plans to incorporate changes because of it. An amendment by the committee requires the Department of Education to provide model policies by May 1, 2025.
IASB is registered undecided on the bill. We know many districts have already taken the time to thoughtfully implement cell phone policies that work in their district, and we were hoping new legislation would not require them to make changes to those policies. We appreciate the amendment to make the timeline for implementation more workable. The bill passed the Senate Education Committee.
SF 386—Filing Complaints with IPIB: This bill extends the time someone can file a complaint about an open meeting or open records violation with the Iowa Public Information Board (IPIB) from 60 to 90 days.
IASB is registered undecided on the bill. After hearing IPIB’s explanation that they hope to use the extra time to resolve cases informally, we feel more comfortable with the extended timeline. The bill passed the Senate State Government Committee.
SF 388—Public Notice Requirements: This bill requires school boards to post meeting notices on their website in addition to posting in a physical location that is always visible, such as on a door or outdoor bulletin board. Additionally, it requires boards to post an amended agenda if changes are made and note what the changes are. It also requires boards to post a 24-hour cancellation notice unless there is good cause making it impractical or impossible.
IASB is registered undecided on the bill. We think most districts are already posting notices on their website and the requirement is not overly burdensome. We have concerns about the 24-hour cancellation notice and ensuring boards don’t have to meet just to say the meeting is cancelled, which would be an inefficient use of resources. The bill passed the House State Government Committee.
SF 389—Public Records Requests: This bill would require school districts to promptly respond to a records request and provide an approximate date on which the records will be available to the requestor and any anticipated costs associated with the request.
IASB is registered undecided on the bill. These steps are already taken in most cases, and there are no specific timelines set out in the bill, so it would not be too burdensome for districts. The bill passed the Senate State Government Committee.
SF 171—Reorganization and Dissolution Timeline: This bill extends the timeline for completing a school district dissolution or reorganization to allow the process to be completed without repeating in steps that have already been taken, like required public hearings and votes.
IASB is registered in support of the bill because it helps Orient-Macksburg finish their dissolution process after July 1 of this year. The bill passed the Senate by a vote of 44-0 and the House by a vote of 92-0. It will now be sent to the governor for her approval.
SF 175—Human Growth and Development Curriculum Requirements: This bill would require school districts to provide instruction in grades on fetal development with a video, ultrasound or real images. An amendment on the floor removed the requirement to teach this in grades 1-3, but it would be required for grades 4-12.
IASB is registered opposed to the bill, as we are on all curriculum mandates. We are opposed to the process rather than the content. We think the legislature should develop broad requirements, like human growth and development, the State Board of Education then develops content standards and local school districts should be able to choose a curriculum to meet those standards. The bill passed the Senate by a vote of 31-13.
SF 278—Robotics Organizations: This bill requires the Department of Education to provide resources to school districts to ensure their robotics clubs and organizations meet federal standards. This will allow those clubs to receive federal money to support their organization.
IASB is registered in support of the bill because it offers federal funding and opportunities for students interested in robotics. The bill passed the Senate by a vote of 46-0.
Governor Reynolds delivered her annual Condition of the State address on Tuesday, Jan. 14. This speech provides an opportunity for the governor to outline her priorities for the upcoming legislative session. While we don’t have any specific bills to work from, the governor did mention several education items:
Funding incentives for preschool programs and childcare providers who work collaboratively to provide a “continuum of care” for young students.
Requiring all districts to have a policy that restricts cell phone use during instructional time. The legislation will serve as a minimum requirement and allow districts to do more if they choose.
An emphasis on math education through early identification, progress monitoring, and evidence-based intervention, as well as professional development for teachers and resources for parents to use at home.
Passage of the U.S. Citizenship test as a graduation requirement to enhance civics education.
Reinstating the Teach Iowa job site within the department of education (and xxx funding).
Changes to the paraeducator apprenticeship program to provide additional flexibilities including elimination of the need to have a paraeducator certificate and a job offer before securing a teacher intern license.
IASB has done analysis on the governor’s initial budget proposal as well. The legislature will have the final say on the budget, but the governor provides her recommendations every year. Read more about Governor Reynolds’ proposal on supplemental state aid (SSA) and the implications for school districts.
IASB will provide a more detailed look at the governor’s legislative priorities once her bills are introduced. We remain optimistic that we can work together to support student achievement for all students.