Welcome to Your Governance & Leadership Toolbox!

This area of the IASB® website is the home of IASB members-only resource kits*. Each toolkit is designed to help board/superintendent teams with your work in specific areas. Toolkits contain resources such as background information, tipsheets, discussion tools, data, checklists, self-assessments, or timelines, depending on the focus.

The toolkits are organized by the major program areas managed by IASB staff experts and aligned to the IASB Standards for Effective School Boards. The standards are based on research and best practices of successful school boards.

You’ll also find contact information for your IASB staff experts, who can help you put the tools into action.

*Members must log-in to My Membership to access these resources.

Standards for Effective School Boards

The Iowa School Board Standards are designed for use by local school boards as a common framework for excellence in school board governance. Based on best practice and research, the standards encourage boards to focus on student achievement as their primary responsibility. The framework includes six standards, along with competencies and key indicators that help clarify the work of high-performing school boards.
New Board Member Portal icon

New Board Member Portal

Recently elected to your school board? Congratulations and welcome! We are here to help you succeed. This toolkit provides handy resources to help orient you to your new role and lead effectively for the students in your district.

For elections information, including canvass of votes dates and organizational meetings, visit the IASB elections webpage.

Board Presidents' Corner icon Board Presidents' Corner

Requires member login. We’ve developed a comprehensive toolkit just for you, full of resources to help you in your important leadership role. In this toolkit you’ll find tips, tools and techniques to help you build strong governance teams and conduct efficient meetings while focusing on student learning.

Financial Tools icon Financial Tools

Toolkits/resources require member login. Get a clear picture of your district's financial health with IASB's Financial Focus tools. Find district-specific data on key financial indicators. Compare yourself to other districts and trends over time. Includes resources on budget planning and understanding Iowa's school funding formula.

Budget Planning & Monitoring
Financial Focus Data Tool
AEA Financial Focus Data Tool
School District Budget Development
School Finance Basics
School Finance Data
Visualizing Data

HR Central icon HR Central

Toolkits/resources require member login. School employees are a district's most important asset. These tools help board members understand their role, and provide a go-to resource for school administrators on management issues.

The Board's Primary Role in HR - Superintendent
HR Tools and Resources
Collective Bargaining
Salary & Staffing Data
Teacher Compensation & Benefits Toolkit
Special Reports

Policy Legal Corner icon Policy & Legal Corner

Toolkits/resources require member login. Stay current with emerging laws and issues and find quick answers to the most frequently confronted policy and legal questions. Our legal experts put the answers at your fingertips on timely issues.

Open Meetings & Public Records
Student Handbook Toolkit
Vacancies & Special Elections
Legal Authority & School Calendars


Student Learning icon Student Learning

Toolkits/resources require member login. School boards can and do have a positive impact on student achievement. We are here to help you strengthen your governance role for improved instruction and student learning through research, education and data.

The Lighthouse Study
Effective Governance for High & Equitable Student Learning

Visionary Team icon Board Development

Toolkits/resources require member login. An effective board/superintendent team with a focus on student learning is essential to the success of your district. These tools help the board/superintendent team clarify roles and responsibilities, develop shared vision and goals, and maximize every board meeting with your mission.

Board Meetings
Board Roles & Responsibilities
Establishing Direction
School Board Self-Assessments
Superintendent Evaluation
At the Board Table Exercises

2021-22 Boardsmanship booksBoard Books

IASB offers digital versions of the Board Member Handbook, a reference tool for boards and administrators, and Leadership for Student Learning, which offers insights into the board's role in promoting student achievement. Learn more!

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