IASB® Delegate Assembly & Annual Meeting

Every school board’s voice should be heard at the IASB Delegate Assembly

Nov. 20, 2024
Iowa Events Center
Grand Ballroom, Level 4
9 a.m.

Director District Map

Register Now

The IASB Delegate Assembly convenes annually for three important roles:

IASB bylaws give each member board a delegate who casts the district's votes on issues before the Delegate Assembly. School board members provide input on IASB’s legislative platform and your priorities help influence legislators and the governor. By participating in this debate process, school, AEA and community college boards contribute to IASB’s legislative program and ultimately the unified legislative interests of all Iowa school boards. At your next board meeting, please appoint a delegate and an alternate delegate. This ensures that if the primary delegate is unable to attend, the alternate can take their place. Remember, the delegate must be a board member. 

Note for Registering for Afternoon Events: Delegates interested in attending an afternoon IASB pre-Convention workshop are advised to pre-register for the event to guarantee a seat. If the Delegate Assembly deliberation extends after lunch, you will not be invoiced for afternoon workshop registration fees. 

Fee and Lunch: There is no cost to attend the Delegate Assembly. Lunch for your delegate is also free. 

Email: We encourage members to review and discuss the platform which arrived in their inbox on Monday, Sept. 23 during their October or early November meetings, ensuring their delegate is prepared to vote according to their board's position.

Delegate Materials


Proposed Delegate Assembly Rules

Iowa Code Report: Revenues Received from Members and Costs of Contacting Legislators 

Measures of Success Report

Consortium of State School Boards Associations (COSSBA) Update

President-elect Nomination Memo & Bio

Proposed 2025–26 Membership Dues 

Proposed IASB Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws Amendment 

Proposed 2025 IASB Legislative Platform

Proposed 2025 Public Policy Agenda

Nominating Caucuses

During the morning break there will be nominating caucuses to nominate candidates to the IASB Board of Directors. Click here to learn about serving on the IASB Board of Directors.


Votes are assigned to delegates according to the following school district enrollment schedule:

0–1,200—1 vote
1,201–1,600—2 votes
1,601–2,400—3 votes
2,401–3,600—5 votes
3,601–4,800—7 votes
4,801–6,000—10 votes
6,001 and over—15 votes
Votes are assigned to delegates for the area education agencies according to the following AEA enrollment schedule:

0–29,999—2 votes
30,000 and over—3 votes
Community colleges are entitled to five delegates. The governing body of the Iowa Association of Community College Trustees elects these delegates.
Ask Me icon For questions, email Stephanie Rousseau or call (515) 247-7042.

BBA Credits iconDelegate Assembly participants earn three Annual Board Awards hours! Non-participant observers earn one hour.

Learn more about Annual Board Awards.


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